Our Team In the News

With all the news out there these days, it’s easy to miss must-read articles. So we’ve curated some of the best stories from the past couple of weeks – ones featuring our team members! Check out the interesting insights in the news from the VinSolutions team.


How Employee Turnover Is More Costly Than You Think – CBT Automotive Network

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In an interview with CBT Automotive Network,Chase Abbott shares his expertise on what dealerships can do to improve employee retention and how those efforts can improve the bottom line.

Power 300: Q&A with Lori Wittman of Cox Automotive –Auto Remarketing

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Lori Wittman discusses trends in digital auto retail solutions and explains what’s next for VinSolutions and Cox Automotive in this Q&A with AutoRemarketing.

How to Convert on the 3 Customer Buying Signals – Dealer Marketing Magazine

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Mo Zahabi’s article in Dealer Marketing Magazine dives into how the equity standing, service activity and website behavior data in a dealership’s CRM can signal that a customer is ready to buy.